Senior Life Insurance As Seen on TV?

Senior Life Insurance As Seen on TV
You’ve probably seen a senior life insurance commercial on TV and left wondering how efficient it would be. After all, do senior individuals really need life insurance? And even if so, how does it all work and would make sense for you? The thing is, life insurance is perhaps the most helpful way to support friends and family after you’ve passed.
But are the low rates you see on TV realistic? Choosing which policy is ideal for you can be challenging. For example, what sort of senior life insurance protection would it be advisable for you to have? What amount is sufficient? What’s the best type of life insurance policy to have at your age?
Even though you’ll pay more for life insurance when you’ve arrived at your golden years, that doesn’t mean you don’t have affordable choices available to you. For the individuals who want to leave cash benefits behind for their family to help with final expenses and other bills senior life insurance options do exist.
You might only have to pay $15 per month, or you could wind up paying more than $1,000 per month. In this article, we’ll cover the entirety of your choices – including life insurance costs for seniors – so you can settle on the correct choice.
What is the Best Life Insurance for Seniors?
Through TV commercials, a lot of companies will advertise different life insurance products for seniors. And given your age, it is sensible to conduct research to help determine the best senior life package for you. If you know you need life insurance the next step is to consider the following:
· How much coverage do I require?
· Is my need for coverage temporary or do I need lifetime coverage?
· What would the situation be like for family if I were not here tomorrow.
You can begin addressing these inquiries by evaluating your financial situation.
For instance, do you have a spouse, children, or any other person who is dependent on you financially?
Do you have large debts such as a home loan or vehicle loan that you’d want paid off when you’ve passed?
Will there be enough money set aside so that my family can pay for my final expenses?
If anybody in your life relies on you monetarily, you might want to consider an approach to shield them from unanticipated expenses. Whether you think your financial dependents are taken care of or not, extra insurance may in any case merit consideration because your family may have to cover extra charges, end-of-life doctor’s visit expenses, and entombment costs (which can cost $9,000 or more).
Deciding how much insurance you need depends upon an assortment of individual variables, including your marital status, family size, obligations, resources, and end-of-life objectives. For some you may just need to have enough to cover your final expenses including any burial and/or cremation costs. Others will need more. If you have life insurance protection through your employer, the insurance may not be sufficient and may end when you resign or retire.
With the right life insurance plan, your loved ones will easily take care of burial service costs, obligation reimbursement (like your home loan, vehicle advances, and credit card obligations), and any hospital expenses after your demise.

Best Senior Life Insurance Policies as Seen on TV
As a senior it is important to understand what life insurance options are available to to you. There are several different types of life insurance policies. However, all life insurance policies are either term or permanent policies. There are just different variations of each.
Term Life Insurance for Seniors
Term protection pays benefits just if demise happens during the policy term, which ordinarily is from ten to 30 years. Most term policies don’t offer other extra advantages. Term policies normally come as a level-term where advantages continue as before through the length of the strategy. The premium and the coverage amount stay the same for the length of the term.
Whole Life Insurance for Seniors
At times called whole or permanent life, this life insurance protection pays benefits paying little mind to when the policyholder dies as long as the policy is paid to date. Most whole life policies keep going as long as the policyholder lives, and some amass cash value. Policy advances should be reimbursed while the policyholder is still alive, or the advance sum will be deducted from the benefit at the hour of death. For most conventional whole life policies, the death benefit and the protection premium continue as before for the length of the policy.
Universal Life Insurance for Seniors
Universal life is often said to be more flexible than a whole life policy. You can decrease or even skip installments for certain all-inclusive arrangements, albeit this may make the policy accrue slower since you are covering your installments with the current premiums.
Final Expense Insurance for Seniors
Final Expense – also called “funeral protection” or “burial service protection” – is a sort of entire life coverage intended to assist your friends and family with burial service costs and other end-of-life costs like neglected doctor’s visit expenses.
Today, memorial services can cost up to $9,000 or more, as indicated by the National Funeral Directors Association. Final expense policies are mainstream with seniors since you regularly don’t need to take a clinical test to qualify – insurance is given dependent on responses to well-being inquiries on the application.
Rates are regularly more moderate than different life insurance coverage types because the approach sum is normally a lot more modest, ordinarily $10,000 – $15,000.
All in all, final expense protection is commonly the most reasonable because you can purchase a policy for just $15 per month. These policies are ideal for seniors on a fixed payment or for the individuals who may experience difficulty fitting the bill for bigger arrangements.
No Medical Exam Life Insurance for Seniors
A few people feel that they won’t be able to qualify for life insurance coverage due to their age or well-being. However, understanding your options will quickly inform you that there is always something you can get to protect yourself.
To qualify for insurance, you’ll need to give some close-to-home data about yourself, like your age, your height and weight, any medical issues you have, and any medication you take. For certain life insurance policies, you might need to do a medical exam to qualify. This is not the case with no exam life insurance though which of course is why it’s called no medical exam life insurance!
Final expense coverage for seniors is available based on medical history and medications taken. It’s imperative to address all questions sincerely when completing your application so your insurance can be given precisely. Distorting reality…in other words not being truthful on an application which of course is fraud can result in your policy not paying out to your beneficiaries.
Is it a Worthwhile Purchase?
Given the different options available, is purchasing life insurance for a senior worthwhile? To a great extent, yes! And there are different reasons that validate this as explained below.
If You Have Dependants
If your children no longer live in your home and they are able to financially support themselves, then life insurance is not necessary. This also goes if you have a spouse who is financially independent. On the contrary, if you are financially responsible for your spouse and children, then you might need to buy a life insurance policy. This policy would also help to bridge the gap for significant monthly income lost by your spouse.
Are You a Retiree With an External Income?
Perhaps you have retired and don’t have to work to financially support yourself and your family, then you will not need life insurance. You won’t need to replace any income if you already have reliable retirement savings and/or Social Security.
Having life insurance in place will help ensure that your loved ones have enough to live by. Buy enough coverage to account for the additional income needed for your surviving spouse and kids to comfortably live on.
Do you Have a Large Estate?
Don’t just impulse purchase life insurance because the deal seems too good! Do you have an estate? If yes, then find an expert to help you determine the best policy for you but if not, then you might want to reconsider buying one. If you have assets, then life insurance could be used to pay off any business debt, estate taxes, and even finance buy-sell agreements.
If You Have Debt
It is only logical that the highest percentage of individuals in debt are young people and not senior individuals. As counterintuitive as it is, a lot of senior people have large sums of debt. A mortgage is one of the most common types of debt among older people and statistics in a 2018 study have shown that 46% of homeowners at 65 years and older still had unpaid mortgage payments.
For a lot of people that tend to further studies as they progress with their careers, student loan debt carries over to their senior years. Life insurance is highly advisable, for such individuals who have debt as it goes a long way to ensuring that no financial burden is left for the bereaved spouse and children.
Senior Life Insurance Sample Rates
Looking for extra security for seniors older than 60 is a very different interaction than for those in their 50s. When you arrive at age 60, things in your day-to-day existence start to change, and that can influence what you look like to a life insurance company. For example, you may quit working, your well-being could start to break down, your everyday costs may diminish, or you could start work on an arrangement to pass your business to your beneficiaries. These life changes may make you question your present life coverage strategy.
For instance, on the off chance that you right now have term life protection, which is useful for just a predefined period, you may choose to change to a whole life policy. With this kind of policy, you can bring down your death benefit as the policy ages and your conditions change. Likewise, on the off chance that you first purchased the strategy to cover, say, your home loan after your passing, you can bring down the death benefit as your home loan diminishes.
You can also earn cash value in these life insurance policies. What’s more, Uncle Sam will not take a portion of your income because the cash value grows tax deferred. Furthermore, when you eventually pass away your beneficiary will receive the death benefit from the policy tax free.
Examples of 10-year-old term life insurance rates for non-smoker senior men and women are as below;
$100,000 | $200,000 | $300,000 | $500,000 | |
65-year-old woman (non-smoker) | $38.26 | $66.85 | $90.23 | $148.65 |
65-year-old man (non-smoker) | $63.65 | $122.72 | $141.75 | $235.15 |
70-year-old woman (non-smoker) | $57.53 | $106.24 | $156.83 | $246.65 |
70-year-old man (non-smoker) | $117.69 | $229.75 | $246.18 | $406.12 |
75-year-old woman (non-smoker) | $102.00 | $193.60 | $340.75 | $453.90 |
75-year-old man (non-smoker) | $220.53 | $435.12 | $494.35 | $820.52 |
Over 65
Individuals are working longer these days than they used to, and in case you’re older than 65 and working, that implies you likely have individuals who depend on your pay. It very well might be your life partner, or you may deal with kin or another relative whose well-being is fizzling. Likewise, individuals who are 65 and over normally have a type of obligation, and having a life insurance coverage strategy can help guarantee that you will not leave debts for your friends and family to pay.
When choosing which kind of protection is better at this age, you need to take a gander at your life circumstances and objectives. On the off chance that you have an exact spending plan, you will likely want to ensure your friends and family aren’t burdened with your obligations when you pass away, then a term life insurance policy may be the best option for you.
The difference in cost between a term life coverage policy and a whole life protection policy are unmistakable. For instance, a healthy 65-year-elderly person will pay about $110 for a ten-year $250,000 term policy, while a whole life protection strategy with a similar death benefit would cost roughly $1,122.84 every month. Also, a woman’s life insurance policy for a similar policy runs about $934.82 per month.
Key Takeaway
TV commercials might not be comprehensive enough for you to outrightly make a decision about the life insurance product you want. Surprisingly, the rates advertised might not be as great as they are portrayed. This is because your unique situation will be used to determine which life insurance policy you qualify for, how much coverage you get, and how much you will pay for it. If any product interests you then it is good to thoroughly research it and even get a second opinion from an expert.
Start Here
If you’re ready to pick your life insurance plan and check out your options, consider working with because we are independent agents that shop around with different companies to get you the best rates at no extra cost. Contact us, and we can get the best options to you quickly!

Donald Wyatt
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just reviewing
Bennett Bier
We love to compare life insurance. When you request a quote we will look at many top carriers in order to find the most competitive options.
Debra Thomas
I’m looking for insurance that will pay off the house if me or my spouse die.
Bennett Bier
Many of our clients use the life insurance to protect the mortgage. When you request a quotes I will find an option that can help pay off the mortgage when either of you pass away.
Patricia Sikes
I am 62 years young have 2 grown children have no outstanding debts do not own large property I own my car I want to be cremated when I pass and I do not want any services done for me. I'm looking for insurance to cover my cremation and maybe leave a small amount of money to my 2 children and 3 grandkids. I do work a full time job and I do have regular living expenses…I rent the house I live in and pay all utilities. So I need something affordable
Bennett Bier
We help people with this type of final expense coverage all the time and can find you something affordable.
Shirley Kittrell
We are both 71 and need whole life insurance. please help. IAM very hard of hearing. I don't hear my phone when it rings. text if possible.
Bennett Bier
I am happy to help and will try to reach you by text if you don't answer. Thanks
Kevin Bergeron
I have a life insurance policy which has a two year waiting period. Ido have some health issues can I replace the policy with one that pays out emediatly ?
Bennett Bier
I would be happy to review your life insurance policy and confirm if you can in fact qualify for immediate coverage without a waiting period.
Bennett Bier
If you qualify we have plans that may not make you wait for 2 years for coverage as seen on tv. As an Independent Life Insurance agent we shop the top carriers for our senior clients to find them plans that not only fit their budgets but also don't have a waiting period if at all possible.
Jack A Edwards
Where's the insurance for 64+ ? where's the 35,000 for 5.95 a month.
Bennett Bier
The Colonial Penn $9.95 or 995 insurance plan many people see on tv is a guaranteed acceptance plan or graded guaranteed issue life that has a 2 year waiting period. We have many options that don't have this waiting period. This whole life insurance plan is $9.95 per unit and the units are different amounts of coverage depending on your age. We have many plans that are less confusing and offer more coverage for lower premium rates.
janice bowman
I have a term policy that expires next month and have been looking to replace it with no luck, have any suggestions?
Ryan Cravitz
Yes you can reach me at 800-611-9622 and I will find the best option. I am a licensed life insurance agent specializing in getting high risk approvals for seniors. You can also request a quote on my site and I will get the approval process started for you.
Bennett Bier
We have many plans available just request a quote and we will start researching your lowest cost insurance plan.
Timothy Anderson
Bennett Bier
Timothy feel free to call at 800-611-9622. Thanks
Amanda boteler
I have a burial policy with Lincoln heritage for 20,000, my premium is 119.30, can you find me a better policy ?
Bennett Bier
Yes we compare plans for clients all the time to find the best options for them.
Rosanne C Mychak
Looking for Whole Life Insurance Policy for myself age 77 for 10 000dollars and one for 8000 for my husband 79.
Bennett Bier
We have life insurance options for seniors with no medical exam required. Most seniors like to have any where from $2,000-$50,000 of whole life insurance depending upon their budget.
Madge Arnett
how long before the insurance takes effect
Bennett Bier
I am glad we were able to answer your questions. For seniors without major health conditions there are plans that will cover you from day one. For clients that can't qualify for any coverage due to a major health issue their are still plans that can have a waiting period.
Pamela Houston
I can't talk, but I wonder if I could get life insurance, I'm 49 and I don't have any plans.
Bennett Bier
We sent you a prequalification form online so that we can determine the best life insurance plan you can qualify for.
George Hassemer
I am 79 with no previous conditions. I workout 5 days a week and am looking for a whole life policy with no cutoff age.
Bennett Bier
We have whole life insurance plans for seniors in good health condition like yourself up to age 90 years old.
David Hodge
Whole life final expense 10-15 thousand dollars
Ryan Cravitz
We have senior life insurance plans as low as $2,000. The whole life insurance plans at $10,000 or $15,000 are most common.
Delois Fearn
quote for 25,000 please
Bennett Bier
Thanks for requesting the senior life insurance quotes.
Karmen Bell
Hello, my name is Carmen bell. I am 68 years old and saw a commercial for life insurance on tv. Say it's 70 poor I'm looking for whole life. Insurance policies for both of us. We both have some medical problems. And I'd like to have at least $50000 between 25 and 50000 dollar insurance. I'm both of us.Can you please give me a Quote to let me know where I stand as far as making payments for me and husband. Thank you very much.