Buying Life Insurance With An Aneurysm
An aneurysm is a scary health crisis for thousands of Americans each year. However, experiencing an aneurysm will not stop you from buying the best affordable life insurance plan, even if you are 50 years of age or older.
Mayo Clinic defines an aneurysm as an abnormal bulge in the wall of a blood vessel. The bulge is filled with blood.
And you probably already know that an aneurysm that ruptures may cause internal bleeding and possibly death.
Aneurysms occur in many parts of the body, including legs, neck, groin, brain (cerebral aneurysm), abdomen (abdominal aortic aneurysm), or chest (thoracic aortic aneurysm).
In this article we will look at what application questions you will be asked, look at some application tips, and look at how much you will likely have to pay for life insurance with an aneurysm.
The first step in a successful application process is working with an experienced, independent life insurance agent that can help you determine the best insurance company to submit your application too.
You want to make sure your application is submitted to an insurance company that will look at your application favorably based upon your unique medical history and lifestyle habits.
Alright, so let’s look at what you need to know if you are over 50 and needing life insurance with an aneurysm.
Application Questions for People Over 50 with an Aneurysm
Despite the seriousness of an aneurysm, there is still a very good possibility you will be able to get affordable life insurance coverage.
As I mentioned above, the first step is determining which life insurance carrier will look at your application most favorably.
There will be a number of medical questions asked including the following:
- When were you diagnosed with an aneurysm?
- What type of aneurysm did you have? Brain? Thoracic? Abdominal?
- How long did you live with an aneurysm?
- What symptoms did you have?
- Did your aneurysm rupture? Was it leaking?
- Did your doctor perform surgery to fix the aneurysm?
- How did your doctor treat the aneurysm?
- Do you have any chronic health conditions? Diabetes? High blood pressure?
- Do you have any health issues related to your aneurysm?
- Have you had follow up tests in the last year? If yes, what did the results show?
- What does your doctor say about your current state?
- Do you use tobacco?
In addition to asking the above questions, the life insurer will want to know if your aneurysm was classified as mild, average, or severe.
When applying for life insurance, the carrier will also be very concerned about the size of your aneurysm and its rate of growth.
A smaller bulge typically means less risk and a better rate class for an applicant.
This is because the chance of a rupture and internal bleeding is low in relation to a smaller sized aneurysm.
Also, the more time that’s passed since you had an aneurysm, the more positively the insurance company will view your application.
This is because the life insurer will figure you’ve maintained your health for a good amount of time and are, therefore, less likely to succumb to an aneurysm.
Application Tips for People Over 50 with An Aneurysm
Life insurance companies make put a lot of effort into closely reviewing each applicant’s health history and lifestyle choices.
This is because the life insurer wants to know the chances of you dying prematurely.
High risk applicants pay more for life insurance, and they may even be declined for coverage.
It’s best for you to be prepared for the application process and understand why the life insurer is asking for certain information.
Vital factors the insurance company will consider include:
- Tobacco Use – All tobacco users will typically pay at least double the rate of a non-smoker. This is because tobacco causes many significant health conditions, as well as worsens existing illnesses.
- Diagnosis – The insurer will want to know the exact date of your aneurysm diagnosis and details surrounding your condition.
Rule of thumb: if it has been less than a year since surgery on your aneurysm then you will most likely not be approved.
After one full year since surgery the insurance company will consider the:
- Cause – Life insurance companies appreciate when an applicant knows the cause of the aneurysm and has proof they’ve complied with a successful treatment plan.
- Treatment – The insurance company will review all your medical records, test results, and doctor’s notes. They will be looking for what efforts you have made to improve your overall health.
For example, if you’ve lost some weight or stopped smoking cigarettes then please let the life insurance company know. It will certainly help your application!
- Other Health Conditions – The insurance company will want to know if you have any other health conditions. They will specifically be interested in any diagnosis of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, COPD, coronary artery disease, or renal disease.
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost With An Aneurysm?
The rate that you will pay will depend on the rate class you qualify for.
Life insurance companies classify applicants in one of the following categories:
- Preferred Plus
- Preferred
- Standard
- Sub-standard (aka Table Rating)
Preferred Plus is the best rating (and lowest premiums) a life insurance applicant can receive.
On the other hand, Sub-standard (Table Rating) is the lowest rating assigned to individuals and comes along with higher premiums.
Your overall health and lifestyle will also influence the rate class you can be approved for – not just the aneurysm.
Nevertheless, let’s look at a what rates you might expect to qualify for with an aneurysm in your medical history.
Even if you are a non-smoking, marathon running, risk adverse individual with no other health conditions besides the aneurysm, you should expect to receive a Standard Rating at least.
The likelihood of receiving a Preferred or Preferred Plus rating is slim to none.
Below are the more realistic outcomes you may experience when buying quality life insurance for people over 50 with an aneurysm.
Standard Rating – Aneurysm was surgically corrected resulting in a complete recovery and overall minimal risk factors.
Sub-standard (Table Rating) – Aneurysm diagnosed more than 2 years ago, condition is stable at 4.5 cm or less with no growth. This could mean a Table 2 or Table 4 Rating translating to as much as 100% higher rates than Standard category.
Decline – Aneurysm is larger than 4.5 cm, it has not been stable for 2 years or more, you had an aortic aneurysm and continue to smoke, symptoms within the last month, or you have other chronic illnesses like diabetes, stroke, or heart disease.
Is Your Aneurysm Operated or Un-Operated?
The insurance company will want to know if you had an operation to fix your aneurysm.
This is why…
Operated Aneurysm – If it has been 2 years since the operation, you may qualify for a Standard/Regular rate.
If it has been less than 2 years since the operation, then the life insurance company will look at the totality of your application to determine what class they may be able to approve you for.
Un-Operated Aneurysm – If the aneurysm is small and stable then you will most likely qualify for a Sub-standard Rate (aka Table Rating) or a Flat Extra Fee, depending on the insurance carrier.
A “Table Rating” typically has up to 16 different levels below “Standard” depending on the insurance company. Each level increases the overall premium by about 25% on average. This amount can vary from company to company.
Some insurance companies will instead include a Flat Extra Fee for a prearranged amount of time.
The flat extra charge is usually $5 to $10 per $1,000 in coverage.
So for a $200,000 life insurance policy you would pay an additional $1,000 to $2,000 annually for a specific amount of time.
Once the time has passed, the flat extra surcharge is dropped and you revert to paying the Standard Rate going forward.
Where to Get the Best Premium Rates on Life Insurance Coverage
Your aneurysm diagnosis must have been very scary. At that very moment, you may have worried that you would not survive such a critical health scare.
Thankfully you made it through that challenge and are now ready to plan for the worst case scenario.
Individuals over 50 years of age with aneurysm successfully purchase relatively cheap life insurance every single day.
You are not the first to do so and will not be the last either.
Contact me today to get started. I look forward to helping you secure your family’s future.