Often times seniors don't realize how affordable life insurance can be.

Life Insurance Rates for Seniors, What You Can Expect to Pay

In this article we will look at what seniors should expect to pay for life insurance. Factors that determine how much you have to pay include your age, gender, whether you use tobacco products or not, your overall health, and lifestyle habits. If an insurance company is able to approve your application they will approve…
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There are many options available for a 70 year old man that is shopping for life insurance

Life Insurance for 70 Year Old Man, Guide to Shopping

In this article we will look at what you need to know as a 70 year old man when shopping for life insurance.  The good news is that there are many options available to you. Having said that, there are some limitations on products that you can purchase at age 70 which we will explain…
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Best whole life for seniors

Best Whole Life for Seniors, Companies and Coverage Amounts

There are two basic types of life insurance policies. Term Life and Whole Life. Term will cover you for a temporary period of time such as for 10 years for instance if you were to buy a 10 year term policy. If you don’t see your need for life insurance as just something temporary then…
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The best life insurance for a 50 year to get will depend on why they need it. The two major types of life insurance are term and permanent (whole) life.

Best Life Insurance For 50 Year Old

The best life insurance for you to buy when you are 50 years old depends on the reason you are wanting to buy life insurance.  Let’s face it, life insurance is not something somebody typically buys unless they need it for some reason. I know you don’t want to think about it, but if you…
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There are many option for life insurance for those over the age of 65.

Life Insurance Over 65, What You Should Get

Too often we talk to people that think that they can’t get life insurance once they get past the age of 65.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Certainly it’s going to cost more than what it would cost if you were in your 30’s or 40’s for example.  Nevertheless there are plenty of…
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100k Whole Life Insurance, Rates, Alternatives and Why Get It?

If you’re looking for 100k in whole life insurance, then chances are your needs for life insurance are more permanent than getting a typical term life insurance policy. Especially when you’re getting life insurance over 50, your reasons for getting coverage tend to be different than in your early 30’s.  Let’s dive into what you…
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life insurance company review

Senior Life Insurance Company Reviews, What are the Best Companies?

There are a lot of insurance companies today, which means there is a lot of competition in the market, with a lot of life insurance companies to review. This is why seniors struggle with getting the right insurance companies for themselves and others are not aware that there are companies and products made just for…
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5 million whole life insurance

5 Million Whole Life Insurance, What You Need and Alternative Options

While a lot of companies offer whole life insurance, the value of the coverage you receive depends on a number of factors. This article will help you understand whole life insurance better, how to know if you qualify for 5 million in coverage, and companies that offer 5 million coverage for whole life insurance.  What…
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cost of life insurance at 62

Cost of Life Insurance at Age 62?

If you’re a senior who is considering life insurance, it’s important to do some research. You should always make sure you understand a life insurance policy before you commit to it. There are so many different types of life insurance options, and they each offer something a little bit different. It’s important to make sure…
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